Oy.. the pain
Alright. Time for me long-arse criticising oh-my-god-why-did-you-make-this blamming review. *Takes a deep breath* Alright, step one out of many: change the background color. I know the Flash MX 2004 tutorial says picking a different background color other than white may make your movie more captivating, but that was just an ugly color. Sky blue should beused for skies, and those skies should have clouds... ANYTHING to break up the retina-wrenching montony of that god-awful pixel-killer. Number two: Get a decent microphone for your voice-acting. It was tinny, hard to understand without the words on-screen, and a bit fuzzy at times. Also, if you're going to voice act... don't use someone else's style. That's one big thing I noticed, it sounded quote like you were trying to mimic a very well-known style of voice+toon, as many who've visited albino blacksheep know of. Learn to be original, it will help you loads. Now, I did you one favor and sat through the preloader... which had that blue stage color as did the rest of the movie. I say rest of the movie in a relative term, because I stopped watching it after some point. If you're gonna submit to Newgrounds, make something that'll keep your audience's attention the whole way through. Don't worry, I'm almost done. Now, I know that the goofy-voice style works to make cartoon funny, doesn't it? Not for this. In the words of many a Newgrounds lame reviewer, "OMG THIS SUCKS." I honestly could not think of anything else to say about it... So, work on the humour, the sound, the style, the graphical appeal, and originality, and you might actually become a legend.