Half diggin' it, half not
I do like your artwork, some sequences in this movie look like they took a good bit of your free time to get just right, and the background music was alright. I felt like there was more to be had, just because everything went by so fast, and I was unable to discern one movie from the next. That may also be because I have just woken up =P My suggestion is that you shouldn't leave your audience wanting -too- much more, in the sense that they feel like they missed the whole movie. It's always good if your movie is a big hit and they want more of it, however. I personally liked the artwork in the sequence where the knife blade was being tightened. Most artists would use swift3d instead of hand drawing, so I will congratulate you on that. For a portal rating, I gave you a 2, because while it shows effort, it also had the potential to be so much more.